If you are looking to update your Priority Matrix to a new version and you want to update with a clean slate (clear all local data and sync with web app) follow the steps below 🙂 If the title of this article makes you nervous, do not worry. We are not clearing all of your data, but instead clearing any bugs you faced in the system.


Update Priority Matrix with a Clean Slate:

***Before starting, please force quit your Priority Matrix app*** Also, if you are worried about losing an specific data please export the projects as PMatrix files.

  1. Log into prioritymatrix.com and make sure your data is correct there.  Our web based version always has the most accurate data.
  2. If this data is correct proceed to the following steps.
  3.  Open the start panel and select “Computer” and the “Local Disk: C”
  4. Select “Users”Update Priority Matrix with a Clean Slate
  5. Select your username
    • Here you should see a folder called “App Data”Update Priority Matrix with a Clean Slate
    • If not, you need to show hidden folders follow this link to quickly resolve that issue.
  6. Open “App Data”
  7. Open “Roaming”
  8. Here you will  see the Priority Matrix folder *** Make a copy of this Priority Matrix Folder by renaming it, something such as Priority Matrix 2.Update Priority Matrix with a Clean Slate
  9. When you open your Priority Matrix app now, it will be completely empty ( If you open it, make sure you force quit before proceeding)
  10. Follow this link to update to the latest version
  11. When you sign in to your Priority Matrix app you will have all of your correct data as well as the most recent version 🙂

This will allow you to update Priority Matrix with a clean slate for maximum performance!