There are a lot of different roles in Priority Matrix. Each one is similar, though, so there’s overlap, which can create confusion. Let’s break them down:

Account Level Roles

  • Account Administrator – this is the person who can make changes to the team by adding or removing members. This is indicated by going to “Account” and “Manage Account.” Once in your Account page, look on the left side panel to see your current Admin. In order to change who is the account administrator, the person currently holding that role should choose someone else using the same account page. Alternatively, you can ask us for assistance in changing your account’s administrator.Manage accounts con Priority Matrix tool barcheck your admin's account
  • Team Members – these are the people who you can work with and invite to your projects. These are the seats that you are paying for.

Data-Access Level Roles

In terms of who has access to what data, we need to talk about Project Members, Item Owners, Item Followers. We have a more in-depth article about project-level memberships.

  • Project Members – these are people who are invited to a given project. Members of a project have access to every item inside the project (or matrix). Any project member can add other members to the project, but in order to remove project members, there are some restrictions as to who can do what.Project description and collaborators
  • Item Followers – these are people who are invited to an item or task and get alerts about it. Perhaps the supervisor, to keep tabs on the status, or the person who will need to complete a follow-up task.
  • Item Owner – this is the person who is “in charge” of the task. If there are multiple people in the project, delegating the task to an owner alerts him or her when there are changes and makes it the owner’s “responsibility” to do something with the task.
    Owner and follower roles on an Item

Finally, we would like to refer you to our Priority Matrix glossary for a concise explanation of the most common terms we throw around.