Your data is very important, and we understand that. As part of the normal functioning of our apps, your data is backed-up to our servers and can be restored.  If  you would like to manually back up your data for whatever reason, be it updating to the latest and greatest version of Priority Matrix or signing out, you can manually back up data in Priority Matrix to be on the safe side!

Exporting your entire account

First of all, if you want to export your entire Priority Matrix account, move on to this article that explains how to save your Priority Matrix account as a CSV file, which you can then load into your favorite spreadsheet software. Otherwise, if you’re interested in exporting/importing an individual project, keep reading.

Manually Back-Up Data Using the Desktop Apps

  1. Log in to and make sure the data there matches the data in your Priority Matrix app.
  2. If the data is synced up, go back to your Priority Matrix app
  3. Right-click on a project, and select “Save Project as Pmatrix file” with every project (Mac)
  4. NOTE** For windows, Select “Export Project”Manually Back-Up Data in Priority Matrix
  5. This will save your projects as a .pmatrix file to your desktop

Importing Priority Matrix data

Once you have a .pmatrix file representing a given project, you can load it into the app by simply double-clicking it. Follow these steps:

  1. To be sure, use the File menu to upgrade to the latest Priority Matrix without singing out
  2. Go to the .pmatrix file for the project that you want to import on your computer, and double click it
  3. This will open up your Priority Matrix, and click “Import Project”Manually Back-Up Data in Priority Matrix
  4. This will bring it directly back in to your Priority Matrix, and now you are up-to-date with the latest version of the app and your data.

Exporting Your Data Outside Priority Matrix

If you want to take your data elsewhere, perhaps to analyze it with some custom software, or to view it on Excel, you can export it as a .csv file. This format is a very basic form of a spreadsheet, or essentially a data table, where each row represents one task or item. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open Priority Matrix in your web browser.
  2. Select the project that you want to export.
  3. Using the top-right menu, choose to “Export as CSV…”
  4. Save the file in your computer, and then open it with whatever tool works for you.

Export a Priority Matrix project as .csv

Specific Instructions for Windows and Mac

For additional options to back up and restore data, check out these other documents: