
How to share a Google Doc with Chrome

Priority Matrix can now sync with Google Drive using our Chrome Extension. First, you will need to download the Priority Matrix Chrome Extension form the Chrome web store. Then you will now be able to  share your Google Drive Docs. You want to make sure you change the shareable like from “can view” to “can edit” before […]

How Can I Create a Recurring Task on Windows?

By using our “Dates” section in the details panel, you can quickly set up a recurring task. Simply select the task that you would like to recur and click “Dates” in the Details Panel on the right. Check “set date”. Select the first due date for this task, for example, next Monday. Then, use the […]

How Can I Create a New Item from a Screenshot?

In some situations, you may want to share a screenshot with your team in Priority Matrix for Windows. This is a simple three-step process. 1. Right-click in the project and quadrant where you would like to create the item. Select “New Item from Screenshot” 2. You will then be shown whatever screen is opened behind […]

Outlook Mail Integration on Windows

Priority Matrix is the most tightly integrated solution for project management in Outlook. In fact, you have few options when you choose to integrate your Outlook Mail with your Priority Matrix on Windows. To learn about the ways to use Outlook mail integration on Windows, keep reading. Sending Outlook Emails to your Priority Matrix Inbox […]

Create a List of Items I’ve Completed in a Project

Create a List of Items I’ve Completed in a Project?   Using our Master List and advanced filtering features, you can create a list of the items that you have completed in a project, and tailor this list to a specific period of time. You can then email or print this list. Let’s say you work […]

How Do I Add a Team Member to a Project on Windows?

On a Windows, you can add a team member to a project by selecting the project and then entering the person’s email address in the ‘Project Details’ Panel (click the image to enlarge): By adding a collaborator to this project, you are granting full read and write capabilities. In other words, the project becomes a […]

How Can I Add a Follower to a Task on Windows?

1. To add a follower to a task, simply select the task that you would like to invite them to. 2. Then, navigate to the details panel on the right. You will see a small box that says “Add”. Clicking on this box reveals a drop-down menu of email addresses, from which you can select […]

How Can I Use Item tags?

Priority Matrix for Windows has a built-in tool for filtering tasks by assigning them a tag. Adding a tag is done by right clicking on the task, choosing “add item tag,” and typing in a new tag or by moving over to the “add item tag” selector on the upper left side of the item […]

How Do I Create and Save Custom Project Templates ?

If you find yourself with a customized template that you would like to recreate, you can save it and re-use it at any time. Simply right-click on the template you have created, and select “save as custom template”. When you want to re-use it, create a new project, and select “new project from template”. Choose […]

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