If you would like to either display, or not display, the item notes within the item title in the quadrant, you will do that with the same procedure! Follow these steps 🙂
Note** On a mac use command key. Â On a Windows use Control key.
Make Item Notes appear in Item Title:
Please note on Windows you will need to take the following steps first:
- EditÂ
- Settings
- Select show Items Notes in Quadrants AND Show Extra Elements
- You will need to zoom in on your Priority Matrix
- Open your Priority Matrix
- Hold down control (or command) and the plus button (top right of the keyboard)
- This will zoom in, and once you are zoomed in enough the notes will appear with the task titleÂ
Not wanting to see item notes?
- You will need to zoom out in your Priority Matrix
- Open your Priority Matrix
- Hold down control (or command) and the minus button (top right of the keyboard)
- This will zoom out, and once you are zoomed out enough the notes will not appear under the task title.Â