
How to Use the Chrome Extension

Why should you use the Chrome extension? Well, it’s an efficient way to pair Chrome and your Inbox. Here are some of the top ways to use it: When using the Chrome extension, you can easily move a document, website, or even picture into Priority Matrix by clicking on the logo button. It can be […]

Automatic Email Forwarding to Priority Matrix with Gmail?

Priority Matrix lets you create new items by sending an email to a special address. You can create items in your own Priority Matrix inbox, or directly into a specific project. Combining this with Gmail’s powerful rule mechanism, it’s possible to configure a smart system that automatically classifies your most important emails directly into Priority […]

How Can I Sort My Tasks On Windows?

Priority Matrix allows you to sort your items the way you would like to, so that you could could keep what’s important for you at the top of the list. Go to the top right hand corner-> click on  “Search and Sorting” and select the option that you like:  

How Can I Remind my Team Members/Collaborators about a Task?

On Mac: Make sure that your team members are added as followers to the task, after that click on the task -> go to reminders section – > set the time of the reminder -> tick “Remind all followers”: On Windows: Make sure that your team members are added as followers to the task, after that click […]

How Can I Use Priority Matrix Inbox on Windows?

Your inbox is used for: Tasks that aren’t assigned yet. When a task appears in the inbox, it can be dragged and dropped into any project quadrant. If it doesn’t fit in a project, it can stay there and operates like any other task — you can set a due date, reminders, or even reassign […]

How Can I Use the Gantt Chart for Mac And Windows?

Gantt chart for Mac and Windows The Gantt chart for Mac and Windows is another way for managers to see priorities for tasks based on their due date and completion percentage. To access the chart, go to the left hand side where is says Gantt Chart. From here, you can see all of your projects […]

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