Mac, Windows, & Web

How Do I Uninstall Priority Matrix on Mac?

Very sorry to hear that Priority Matrix is not a good fit for you! YOSEMITE: Please follow these instructions if you would like to remove it from your Mac EL CAPITAN and newer: Please follow these instructions if you have the newest Mac version. …or let us know if there’s anything we can do to change your mind!

How Do I Add and Filter Item Tags on Priority Matrix for Mac?

          Priority Matrix for Mac has a built-in tool for filtering tasks by assigning them a tag. Adding a tag is done by simply typing the descriptor in the space next to the sales tag icon on the task detail view. If there’s a matching tag, it will auto-populate and if […]

How Can I Remind my Team Members/Collaborators about a Task?

On Mac: Make sure that your team members are added as followers to the task, after that click on the task -> go to reminders section – > set the time of the reminder -> tick “Remind all followers”: On Windows: Make sure that your team members are added as followers to the task, after that click […]

How Can I Use Priority Matrix Inbox on Windows?

Your inbox is used for: Tasks that aren’t assigned yet. When a task appears in the inbox, it can be dragged and dropped into any project quadrant. If it doesn’t fit in a project, it can stay there and operates like any other task — you can set a due date, reminders, or even reassign […]

Uploading files to Priority Matrix on Windows

Click here for Mac Sharing Files in Priority Matrix The best part about using Priority Matrix to share files is that once it’s created, anyone on the team can see and access the file immediately. This is a great tool for ensuring that everyone is on the same page and using the same documents. There […]

How Can I Use the Gantt Chart for Mac And Windows?

Gantt chart for Mac and Windows The Gantt chart for Mac and Windows is another way for managers to see priorities for tasks based on their due date and completion percentage. To access the chart, go to the left hand side where is says Gantt Chart. From here, you can see all of your projects […]

Outlook Mail Integration on Mac

Outlook Mail Integration on Mac   You have several ways to integrate your Outlook email with your Priority Matrix for Mac. Send Outlook Email to your Priority Matrix Inbox: Drag and drop the email directly from Outlook into your Priority Matrix Use your “secret inbox address”  which is reccommend if the email chain is more […]

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