
How Can I Archive Projects On Windows?

Do you have too many projects in your project list?  Finding it hard to focus on your current projects?  No problem, I would suggest archiving the older ones.  This way you can access the data in the future, but it will not distract you at the moment. Archive Projects On Windows Right click on the […]

How Do I Update the Admin of my account on Mac or Windows?

Hi there!  At Priority Matrix, we understand that change happens and this is likely to result in the need to update the admin of your account at some point.  Easy!  Follow the steps below to update the admin of your account on Mac or Windows 🙂 Update Admin on Mac or Windows Open your Priority […]

How Can I Set New Collaborators In Mac?

If you want to add more collaborators on your Mac desktop, just follow these simple steps below: 1.) On your Priority Matrix screen, go to the tab that says “Account” and click on it.  A drop down window will show up. 2.) From here, click on the “Manage Collaborators” selection.  A window will pop up. […]

How Do I Add/Delete Project Tags In Android?

If you are trying to tag your projects,  simply follow these easy steps below: 1.) First, go to your project bar and select the project you wish to add tags to. 2.) Once you have done this, tap/select the title of your project.  You can find it at the top center of your application. 3.) […]

How Can I Stop Desktop Notifications on Mac?

Notifications on macOS serve as alerts from applications to keep you informed about new messages, updates, and other relevant information. They can be incredibly useful for staying on top of important tasks and communications. However, there may be times when you find these notifications to be more distracting than helpful. In such cases, macOS provides […]

How is Priority Matrix Different from Other Apps?

Priority Matrix has lots of competition, so it can be overwhelming to identify the differences amongst every one. Here are a few reasons Priority Matrix is different (and better!): Manage Thousands of Tasks We know you’re busy… And that means we strive to fit your busy life. No matter how many projects you have or […]

Why Should I Choose Priority Matrix?

We know that you’ve got so many options for task management. Between other programs and just plain, old-fashioned sticky notes, there’s something extra special out there and we think we’ve found it! Priority Matrix has so many amazing features! And then there’s the collaboration aspect. Teams can chat, assign projects to each other, and spend less […]

Difference between roles on Priority Matrix

There are a lot of different roles in Priority Matrix. Each one is similar, though, so there’s overlap, which can create confusion. Let’s break them down: Account Level Roles Account Administrator – this is the person who can make changes to the team by adding or removing members. This is indicated by going to “Account” […]

How Do I Delete the App on my Desktop?

We understand that you may be considering uninstalling the Priority Matrix app, and we hope it’s because you want to upgrade to the most recent version! Below, we’ve provided comprehensive instructions to help you delete the application from your Mac or Windows system. However, if you’re experiencing any issues with the app, we encourage you […]

How Long is Data Retained For?

When you upload any material to Priority Matrix, it will remain there indefinitely. Your information will remain where you left it for as long as you desire. If you choose to delete your Priority Matrix account, your information will automatically be deleted after 90 days.  

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