Microsoft Teams

Dependencies in Priority Matrix

In any project management scenario, it’s crucial to understand task dependencies – the relationship between different tasks in which a task relies on the output from another task. In Priority Matrix, we’ve developed a system to not only establish these dependencies, but also facilitate that tasks are completed in their correct order. This article will […]

Agenda by PM: Automatically generated meeting agendas

Agenda by PM is a powerful feature of Priority Matrix that lets you easily generate meeting agendas in Microsoft Teams. The agenda is created automatically from the list of tasks that each meeting participant has been working on in Priority Matrix. The agenda can be edited by participants prior to the meeting, during the meeting, […]

How to Remove Project Members

In Priority Matrix, your data is organized as a series of projects. Each project is a matrix, and a matrix contains 4 quadrants full of items. Additionally, multiple people can access a given project. Those people are called project members. A project member has access to every item in that quadrant. Note that, if you […]

How to share project updates during a meeting with Priority Matrix

Share project updates during a meeting with Priority Matrix Priority Matrix has developed into a tool to support you in just about all aspects of your day to day at work.  Using Priority Matrix for meetings to share project and task level updates is a common use case, and Priority Matrix is great for this.  […]

Chatbot commands for Microsoft Teams

If you are the chatty type, Priority Matrix for Teams offers a smart chatbot that lets you work with your Priority Matrix data almost as if you were talking to a friend. You can update the status of your items with simple commands, and keep your entire team on the same page. Try the commands […]

Microsoft Teams says you “Need admin approval”

Depending on how your organization has configured access to third party apps, when you install Priority Matrix for Teams, you might be shown a message like the one below, explaining that you “Need admin approval” in order to install Priority Matrix in your Microsoft Teams. The specific reason for this message depends on your organization’s […]

How to create a dashboard view with subprojects

A Priority Matrix dashboard project allows you to create a condensed view to see project level updates, while still utilizing the 4 quadrant prioritization method. In other words, this is a “project of projects”, or a hierarchical project structure. Creating one is simply. Just create a project, and there create items that link to the […]

User Manual: Priority Matrix for Teams

Priority Matrix for Teams is a fully functional project management solution. It aims to help your team focus on the key tasks that deliver the most value for your organization. Achieve piece of mind knowing that nothing falls through the cracks, and that everyone is working toward the common goal. In this document we explain […]

How Can I Search For Priority Matrix Data in MS Teams?

Using Priority Matrix via MS Teams provides several additional benefits for Office365 users.  To make your life easier for record keeping and searching purposes in Teams, you can now see your Priority Matrix data in the MS Teams search view.  There are a few quick steps to put in place before this will work for […]

How to See Top Priorities Across All Projects

A common question we are asked, is how can I see all of my top priorities across all of my projects, or, how can I see my teammates top priorities across all projects?  When you are using the Priority Matrix and MS Teams integration you will use the Search view to have this priority list. […]

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