There are several ways to turn emails into Priority Matrix tasks. You can send an email to your inbox, or even to a specific project/quadrant. Method 1: Using Your Secret Inbox Address Every Priority Matrix account has a unique email address that creates tasks from forwarded emails. You can find yours in two places: Web […]
How to install Priority Matrix for Outlook using the Microsoft Admin Center
If you’re trying to install Priority Matrix for Outlook, and you’re seeing a message that says something like “Unfortunately, your organization has disabled access to this add-in. Please contact your administrator to request access”, then you might want to take a look at this article, and potentially share it with your IT personnel. This guide […]
Dependencies in Priority Matrix
In any project management scenario, it’s crucial to understand task dependencies – the relationship between different tasks in which a task relies on the output from another task. In Priority Matrix, we’ve developed a system to not only establish these dependencies, but also facilitate that tasks are completed in their correct order. This article will […]
How to clear the Outlook add-in cache
Priority Matrix for Outlook is an Outlook web add-ins, a type of small programs that integrates into the Outlook platform to add new functionalities. When you install an add-in, Outlook stores some of its data in a cache to improve its performance. However, sometimes this cache can become corrupt, causing issues with the add-ins. In […]
Agenda by PM: Automatically generated meeting agendas
Agenda by PM is a powerful feature of Priority Matrix that lets you easily generate meeting agendas in Microsoft Teams. The agenda is created automatically from the list of tasks that each meeting participant has been working on in Priority Matrix. The agenda can be edited by participants prior to the meeting, during the meeting, […]
Working with email threads in Outlook
Priority Matrix for Outlook simplifies capturing messages and transforming them into Priority Matrix tasks. This tool allows for the attachment of an Outlook message to a preexisting task, enabling efficient email thread management. Converting an Outlook email into a PM item automatically links the task with the email. When you open a different email in […]
How to add a due date to an email in Outlook
Often, you get an email that contains an implicit (or explicit) task in it. You want to make sure you don’t drop the ball on it, but Outlook doesn’t make it easy to add a due date to an email. It makes sense, because Outlook is not a task manager at its heart. In order […]
How to Remove Project Members
In Priority Matrix, your data is organized as a series of projects. Each project is a matrix, and a matrix contains 4 quadrants full of items. Additionally, multiple people can access a given project. Those people are called project members. A project member has access to every item in that quadrant. Note that, if you […]
How to share project updates during a meeting with Priority Matrix
Share project updates during a meeting with Priority Matrix Priority Matrix has developed into a tool to support you in just about all aspects of your day to day at work. Using Priority Matrix for meetings to share project and task level updates is a common use case, and Priority Matrix is great for this. […]
Chatbot commands for Microsoft Teams
If you are the chatty type, Priority Matrix for Teams offers a smart chatbot that lets you work with your Priority Matrix data almost as if you were talking to a friend. You can update the status of your items with simple commands, and keep your entire team on the same page. Try the commands […]