
Microsoft Teams says you “Need admin approval”

Depending on how your organization has configured access to third party apps, when you install Priority Matrix for Teams, you might be shown a message like the one below, explaining that you “Need admin approval” in order to install Priority Matrix in your Microsoft Teams. The specific reason for this message depends on your organization’s […]

How to create a dashboard view with subprojects

A Priority Matrix dashboard project allows you to create a condensed view to see project level updates, while still utilizing the 4 quadrant prioritization method. In other words, this is a “project of projects”, or a hierarchical project structure. Creating one is simply. Just create a project, and there create items that link to the […]

Missing Priority Matrix button on Outlook

Priority Matrix is the most powerful project management system for Outlook. Unfortunately, sometimes Outlook will refuse to show the Priority Matrix button, and the causes can be wide-ranging. In this article, we discuss some of the most frequent reasons that cause the Priority Matrix button not to appear in your Outlook. Specifically, we will focus […]

User Manual: Priority Matrix for Teams

Priority Matrix for Teams is a fully functional project management solution. It aims to help your team focus on the key tasks that deliver the most value for your organization. Achieve piece of mind knowing that nothing falls through the cracks, and that everyone is working toward the common goal. In this document we explain […]

Why do I see collaborators I don’t recognize?

Priority Matrix allows you to collaborate with users who are either inside or outside your organization. It is possible to share a project with everyone in your team, or maybe one teammate and two external contractors, or even with some customer who is asking about the details of a joint venture. In order to achieve […]

Manage Outlook Extensions

Priority Matrix supports email prioritization directly from your Outlook inbox. This, and other exciting features, is why Priority Matrix is the most effective way to do project management on Outlook.  When you prioritize an email, your Priority Matrix action item will create a link to your Outlook email, where you can access the original email […]

How Can I Search For Priority Matrix Data in MS Teams?

Using Priority Matrix via MS Teams provides several additional benefits for Office365 users.  To make your life easier for record keeping and searching purposes in Teams, you can now see your Priority Matrix data in the MS Teams search view.  There are a few quick steps to put in place before this will work for […]

How to See Top Priorities Across All Projects

A common question we are asked, is how can I see all of my top priorities across all of my projects, or, how can I see my teammates top priorities across all projects?  When you are using the Priority Matrix and MS Teams integration you will use the Search view to have this priority list. […]

Conduct One on One Meetings in Microsoft Teams with Priority Matrix

Do you ever  have calls or conversations with a coworker, whether it’s your manager or direct report, and wondered what are the open-action items you have with them? What are the issues you agreed to do for each other? What are the status of key tasks? What are upcoming meetings, shared files, email exchanges? And […]

Remove Priority Matrix chat bot from MS Teams

Thank you for testing out the Priority Matrix and MS Teams integration, and sorry to see you are removing it 🙁  BTW,  any feedback you can share about your experience would be very appreciated! Remove Priority Matrix chat bot from MS Teams 1. Click in “…” of the channel where the chat bot is 2. […]

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