Welcome to Priority Matrix! We are so excited to have the opportunity to make your life easier and your work better by helping you focus on what matters most. If you just downloaded the software, we recommend getting started by watching one of our training webinars, where we cover different topics ranging from beginner to […]
Mac, Windows, & Web
Automatic Email Forwarding to PM with Outlook 2016
Priority Matrix lets you create new items by sending an email to a special address. You can create items in your own Priority Matrix inbox, or directly into a specific project. Combining this with Outlook’s powerful rule mechanism, it’s possible to configure a smart system that automatically classifies your most important emails directly into Priority […]
Automatic Email Forwarding to PM with Apple Mail
Priority Matrix lets you create new items by sending an email to a special address. You can create items in your own Priority Matrix inbox, or directly into a specific project. Apple Mail has a “rules” mechanism to enable selective filtering. We can use this to only send specific, relevant emails to your Priority Matrix […]
How Can I Use the Priority Matrix Web App?
To use the web app, please visit prioritymatrix.com and sign in to your account, using the same credentials that you would in any of the other apps. If you’re a Priority Matrix user, all your information will populate automatically.
How to Use the Chrome Extension
Why should you use the Chrome extension? Well, it’s an efficient way to pair Chrome and your Inbox. Here are some of the top ways to use it: When using the Chrome extension, you can easily move a document, website, or even picture into Priority Matrix by clicking on the logo button. It can be […]
Automatic Email Forwarding to Priority Matrix with Gmail?
Priority Matrix lets you create new items by sending an email to a special address. You can create items in your own Priority Matrix inbox, or directly into a specific project. Combining this with Gmail’s powerful rule mechanism, it’s possible to configure a smart system that automatically classifies your most important emails directly into Priority […]
I Have Different Features Available on my Home and Office Computers. How Come?
The reason for that could be that one of your apps is not updated to the latest version. Can you please quit the app that is older and download the newest available version here – https://sync.appfluence.com/manage/downloads/
How Can I Use the Gantt Chart for Mac And Windows?
Gantt chart for Mac and Windows The Gantt chart for Mac and Windows is another way for managers to see priorities for tasks based on their due date and completion percentage. To access the chart, go to the left hand side where is says Gantt Chart. From here, you can see all of your projects […]
How Can I Sync Priority Matrix with Apple Mail on Mac?
Drag and Drop Emails: This feature will be beneficial for you if you have a lot of emails coming your way and if you would like to handle them in a more efficient manner. Just select an email in your Apple mail and drag it into the appropriate quadrant in Priority Matrix. The body of […]
How Can I Create a Recurring Task?
By using our “Dates” section in the details panel, you can quickly set up a recurring task. Simply select the task that you would like to recur and click “Dates” in the Details Panel on the right. Check “set date”. Select the first due date for this task, for example, next Monday. Then, use the […]