Priority Matrix can easily be integrated with your most calendar systems. The first step is to copy the URL of the specific calendar to which you want to subscribe. The remaining steps depend on which platform you use, but here are some of the options:

  • Office 2010: Go to left panel -> ‘Calendar’ -> In ‘Home Tab’, click ‘Open Calendar’, ‘select From Internet’, and paste the calendar URL
  • Office 2013 and 2016: Go to left panel -> Click on calendar icon -> In ‘Home Tab’, click ‘Open Calendar’, ‘select From Internet’, and paste the URL
  • Google Calendar: Click on ‘Other calendars’ down arrow on the left panel, then ‘Add by URL’ in the contextual menu and paste the calendar URL
  • Apple Calendar: Use menu ‘File’ / ‘New Calendar Subscription’, paste the calendar URL, select the desired options and click OK.

We hope this helps! But if you still have doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us and ask any questions you may have.