Are you using Priority Matrix on your Mac with Safari, but you are not an Apple Mail user? No problem! When you want to email an item or project to an external collaborator, you can set up your Priority Matrix so Gmail is opened and not Apple Mail. I am going to tell you how to set Gmail on Firefox as your default mail provider on Mac.
Set Gmail With Firefox As Your Default Mail Provider On Mac
- Open your Firefox browser and go to the top left corner and click “Firefox” –> “Preferences”
- Scroll down and find where it says “Applications”
- You will see the “Mailto” option and then to the right you will see “Use Chrome Default” (Or whatever browser you have set as your overall browser)
- Choose the down arrow and select “Gmail”
If you want to set Outlook as your default mail provider, or you use Chrome with Gmail you can also set Gmail with Chrome as your Default mail provider.