To see your completed tasks in Priority Matrix, all you need to do is change your view.

Don’t worry, even though you have been productive and your project appears nearly  empty, your completed tasks and their details are saved for future reference.How Do I Find My Completed Tasks On Mac?

Here are two different ways that you can pull up tasks that you have already completed:

1. Customize Your View at the Bottom of Your Window

Here you can quickly select what you want to see and how your items are sorted.How Do I Find My Completed Tasks on Mac?

You can choose to view “Finished,” “Unfinished,” or “All Items.”How Do I Find My Completed Tasks on Mac?

2. Use Advanced Search and Sort

You can make the same changes, as well as many others, by clicking  on the search bar at the top right  of your Priority Matrix window.How Do I Find My Completed Tasks on Mac?You can make your selection in the drop down menu labeled “item type.”

How Do I Find My Completed Tasks on Mac?

You can now see all your completed tasks. Great job!

How Do I Find My Completed Tasks on Mac?

If you would like to learn about other ways that you can utilize our advanced search and sort bar,  check out How To Use Custom Search Settings on Mac.