Microsoft Teams

Conduct One on One Meetings in Microsoft Teams with Priority Matrix

Do you ever  have calls or conversations with a coworker, whether it’s your manager or direct report, and wondered what are the open-action items you have with them? What are the issues you agreed to do for each other? What are the status of key tasks? What are upcoming meetings, shared files, email exchanges? And […]

Remove Priority Matrix chat bot from MS Teams

Thank you for testing out the Priority Matrix and MS Teams integration, and sorry to see you are removing it 🙁  BTW,  any feedback you can share about your experience would be very appreciated! Remove Priority Matrix chat bot from MS Teams 1. Click in “…” of the channel where the chat bot is 2. […]

Integrate Priority Matrix with Office365

One of the ways in which Priority Matrix shines is via the integrations with Office 365. Read along to learn how using Priority Matrix and Office 365 together can drastically simplify your work life. Priority Matrix for Outlook 365 Use our Priority Matrix for Outlook 365 add-in to manage your top priority emails like you […]

Priority Matrix connectors and Microsoft Teams channels

If you use Priority Matrix for Teams, consider adding a Priority Matrix connector to some of your channels in MS Teams. This way you can elect to receive specific notifications about part of your items, exactly where and when you need them. What is the purpose of Teams Connectors? Adding a Priority Matrix connector to […]

Office 365 integrations for Mobile

Do you use Priority Matrix primarily on your mobile device?   If so, please keep in mind you can use the Office 365 integrations with your free Priority Matrix account on mobile! Office 365 integrations for Mobile: You can install any of the Office 365 integrations onto your dekstop platforms and this will transfer over to […]

Integrate Microsoft Teams with Priority Matrix

Why you and your team should use the MS Teams integration: Update your Priority Matrix directly from within Teams and see these changes reflected in your PM app. Use the 1:1 tab to view items between yourself and another use to plan for your daily/weekly meetings. Be sure to check out additional resources on how […]

Set Up Your Teams Chatbot

Are you excited about the Teams chatbot integration with Priority Matrix?  So are we!  Learn how to install this chatbot and get chatting. Background info about your new chatbot: Features: Get notified on instant changes in the project data (delegations, upload files, completion…) Create projects and items Query projects and items Modify projects and items […]

Import and Export a CSV File

Sometimes it’s necessary to interchange data from and to Priority Matrix. To enable that, we support exporting and importing CSV files. The CSV format is understood by multitude of applications, including your favorite spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. How to export a Priority Matrix project into a CSV file The steps […]

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