
How Do I See/Hide Completed Items on iPhone?

Sometimes it is important to only see specific items, such as only completed items or only unfinished items.  Follow these simple steps to learn how to see/hide completed items on iPhone. See/Hide Completed Items on iPhone: Select the funnel icon in the top right corner Decide which items you would like to view 🙂To learn […]

How Do I Forward Emails On My iPhone?

Can’t figure out how to do email forwarding on an iPhone using Priority Matrix?  Mobile devices can be hassle some times.  Despite the screens growing in size, they still feel so tiny when attempting to do important tasks.  Eat a piece of chocolate or your favorite snack, close your eyes for a minute and think […]

What Is Free and What Do I Get with the Paid Version?

Priority Matrix is a sold using a subscription model, with various subscription levels (Pro, Business…) depending on the features you need. In general, the total cost is proportional to the number of users needed in the account. Details on what each level provides are given in our pricing page. It is also possible to use […]

How Does Priority Matrix Handle Data Conflicts?

The latest version wins. This means that if you edit one item on two devices, and sync them later, the information from the device that’s synced last will override the device that was synced first. This is how most sync services operate since it’s impossible to figure out your true intentions. So the best strategy […]

How Does Sync Work?

Sync happens automatically and seamlessly when you are signed in from any platform. Your data is stored locally and when your device connects to our cloud servers through sync, a copy of your local data is propagated to our servers. The transmission is secured using SSL Security and your data is stored on our servers […]

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