Priority Matrix integrates deeply with Microsoft Graph to produce a compelling user experience. In order to provide our users with the best possible service, Priority Matrix requests access to specific scopes when they grant access to their Microsoft Graph account. We understand that privacy is a top concern for our users, and we want to assure you that we only request the necessary scopes to provide our services while adhering to strict privacy policies and regulations.

Scopes requested

Here are the scopes that Priority Matrix requests and a one-line explanation for why they are needed:

  • USER_READ: Allows users to sign in to the application via Microsoft login and provides us with an email for identification and communication purposes.
  • OPENID: Allows users to sign in to the application via Microsoft login and provides us with an email for identification and communication purposes.
  • OFFLINE_ACCESS: Allows us to keep the connection with Office/Graph open without having to ask for permission every day to sync connected data.
  • MAIL_READ: Enables Priority Matrix to integrate with Outlook and highlight and easily turn emails into items on the user’s Priority Matrix.
  • MAIL_SEND: Allows us to send adaptive cards to users of Outlook accounts from our registered sender address.
  • TASKS_READ: Enables Priority Matrix to integrate with Outlook and highlight Outlook tasks shared with a collaborator, and allow easy conversion into items on Priority Matrix.
  • USER_READ_BASIC: Allows Priority Matrix to read a user’s collaborator list with basic information (email, name) so that we can offer a list of teammates in our one-on-one view.
  • CALENDAR_READ: Enables Priority Matrix to integrate with Outlook and highlight calendar events shared with a collaborator and allow easy conversion into items on Priority Matrix. This is most visible in the one-on-one view.
  • FILES_READ: Enables Priority Matrix to integrate with Outlook and highlight OneDrive files shared with a collaborator and allow easy conversion into items on Priority Matrix. This is also seen in the one-on-one view.
  • TEAMS_SEND: Allows sending notifications to the Teams activity feed for a given user.
  • EMAIL: Enables Priority Matrix to view the user’s personal profile (email, first/last name, avatar, etc.) to address them in messages and in communications with their teammates.
  • PROFILE: Similar to EMAIL, for completeness.
  • DIRECTORY_READ: Enables Priority Matrix to get the members in a group, and to make it easy for users to invite collaborators to PM.
  • FILES_READWRITE: Enables access to OneDrive storage backend. This is needed in case users choose to store attachments in their own OneDrive account, rather than on Appfluence’s own storage system.
  • FILES_READWRITE_APPFOLDER: Enables access to OneDrive storage backend.
  • SITES_READ: Enables the app to read documents and list items in all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user. This is also seen in the one-on-one view.

What if I’m not comfortable allowing this?

It’s understandable (and a good practice!) to be wary of apps that request more information than we’d like. Further, some IT organizations restrict certain scopes as a blanket rule. In order to let users access Priority Matrix, we offer a limited experience that requires only basic identification scopes. To use this, first invoke the normal “Login with Microsoft” option, but reject the scopes. In the subsequent screen, use the “slimmed down version” link, as shown below.

Access Priority Matrix without granting advanced scopes

In conclusion, Priority Matrix requests access to specific scopes to enhance the user experience and make task and collaboration management more efficient across multiple platforms. We take data privacy very seriously and adhere to strict privacy policies and regulations to ensure that user data is handled in compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations.