There are several ways to delete items in Priority Matrix, depending on your device and preference. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to remove items from your matrix.

Desktop and Web App Methods

Option 1: Using the Context Menu

  1. Select one or multiple items
    • For multiple items: Use ‘Control’ (Windows) or ‘Command’ (Mac) while clicking
  2. Right-click on the selected item(s)
  3. Choose “Delete” from the context menu

Deleting a Priority Matrix item using the context menu

Option 2: Using the Item Details Panel

  1. Select an item
  2. Click the three-dots (⋮) menu in the top-right corner of the item details panel
  3. Select “Delete” from the dropdown menu

Deleting a Priority Matrix item using the details panel

Option 3: Drag and Drop Method (Single Items Only)

  1. Click and hold on an item to start dragging
  2. Two buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen
    • A red button for deleting
    • A green button for completing
  3. Drag the item to the red button to delete it

Mobile App Methods

On mobile devices, you can delete items individually using these methods:

  • Open an item, tap the three-dots menu, and select “Delete”
  • Use the drag-and-drop method described above

Note: For bulk deletions on mobile, we recommend using the web app where you can select and delete multiple items simultaneously.

Pro Tips

  • Use the multi-select feature on desktop/web to delete several items at once
  • If you accidentally delete an item, look at this document explaining how to undelete items in a project