We’re excited to introduce Project Tags, a highly customizable, simple way to organize your projects. Imagine a project tag like a “folder”, a broader category in which you can include multiple projects.
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Here at Appfluence to divide our projects between:
- App Development
- Sales
- Marketing
- Customer Success
- Website
And a few other key areas that our company works on. However, there are dozens of ways that one could use project tags to keep their work more organized! For example, imagine a chain of retail stores with multiple locations – the regional manager may use tags to tag each location and see what is going on at each one.
Each project can be “tagged” with multiple keywords then filtered to view only the projects associated with that word. When you install the updated version of Priority Matrix, you’ll notice two new sections. Firstly, where you can add tags (directly above the project) and secondly, where you can filter them (above your project list).
To get started, select a project you’d like tagged and simply type in whatever keyword you’d like associated with that project. For this particular project, I’m going to give it the keyword “video” and PM for Priority Matrix. You can give your projects multiple tags, and now whenever i filter for “video” or “PM,” this project will appear with all the other projects tagged in the same way. You can also use the tags in the masterlist view, which will allow you to see multiple projects and their items at once. Click the masterlist icon, and make sure that the grouping is listed as “by project.” The new tag feature is located on the bottom of the masterlist, so click and type to filter your projects. You can use this in conjunction with the buttons to the left for even more indepth filtering. We hope this feature will help you and your team stay even more organized and productive.