So many of us complain that there are not enough hours in the day to finish everything that we must complete.
What if there was a solution to that?
We believe that there is. Using the The Eisenhower Method of time management you could save up to 45 minutes per day.
Believe it or not, you can accomplish a lot with 45 extra minutes! That’s 225 minutes per week, 15 hours per month, and 7.5 days per year.
It’s important to step away from the office a bit and take time to yourself to recharge; with 45 minutes per day, you can easily do that!
Here are 30 things you could do with 45 minutes:
1. A yoga class
Yoga is good for your body and your mind. Not only is it a workout, but it is great to find your zen after a long day of work.

2. A plain old workout
Often, we forget how important exercise is.

3. A guided meditation
If you are not into all of the physical postures that are done in yoga, that is completely fine. However, it still might be a good idea to meditate to put your mind at ease; you could do this with meditation. There are many free apps that you can download to meditate. Just search Free guided meditations on the App store.

4. Read a book
If you can’t remember the last time that you sat down to read a book for enjoyment, you should probably head to the library.

5. Journal
A lot of people find journaling to be therapeutic. Write about your day or what is stressing you out; write whatever comes to mind.

6. Take a nap
Or, go to bed 45 minutes early, so you can be revived for the next day at work!

7. Go to the spa
Sometimes we are so tied up in our work, so we forget to focus on ourselves. Treat yourself to a nice massage, a new hairstyle, or a manicure. You deserve it.

8. Work your mind in a non-traditional way
You are so used to working at the office. Try doing a crossword puzzle, word search, or even a puzzle.

9. Get out and enjoy nature
If weather permits, go on a nature trail or a nice walk. When we are stuffed in our office all day, we often forget that there is a real world outside begging to be explored.

10. Take a nice, hot bubble bath
Especially if the last time you took one was when you were a child.

11. Have lunch or dinner with somebody you haven’t seen in a while.
Go celebrate Taco Tuesday with that friend you have not seen in three months.

12. Try something you have always wanted to try
A lady at work told me that she always wanted to learn Spanish, but she never had the time to. Now, she is taking a Spanish class at a community college.

13. People watch
Sometimes this can be fun!

14. Clean
Organize your desk and clean your house. Get that head start on spring cleaning!

15. Shop
Get your groceries, a new outfit, or that new TV you have been eyeing.

16. Volunteer
This tends to be rewarding and is an opportunity for us to be thankful.

17. Cook
Grab out that old, dusty cookbook in the back of your cupboard and create an edible masterpiece. Bon appetite!

18. Play a board game
Get into your competitive mode and play some Monopoly or Scrabble.

19. Solitaire
If you want to play a game by yourself, play some Solitaire either online or with a deck of cards.

20. Spend time with Your Family
Whether your significant other, children, or parents, let them know that you care about them.

21. Keep up with your favorite television show
I am not saying binge on a whole season, but enjoy an episode or two!

22. Go on a walk or run
Whether outside or on the treadmill, either way is beneficial to your health.

23. Read magazines
Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Golfweek — you name it!!

24. Learn
Take the time to learn about what is going on in the world.

25. Go dancing
And learn the salsa!

26. Run errands
You have 45 minutes to accomplish a lot of them.

27. Craft
Have you ever though about making a collage or photo album? The possibilities are endless.

28. Delete those pesky and spammy emails
They are only clogging up your inbox.

29. Do some good deeds
Hold the door open for that elderly couple, pick up that trash that somebody littered, and compliment somebody randomly. You have so much potential to make somebody’s day.

30. Relax
Do anything that makes you relax whether that is laying out in the sun, laying down under the covers snuggled next to your pet or deep breathing. The choice is up to you!!

Check This Out!
If you want to save 45 minutes each day, check out the Eisenhower method immediately!
It helps you prioritize tasks based on their critical-ness and urgency, to ensure that you’re focused on the right things. By using this method, you can cut out busy work that sucks up extra minutes in your day.
If you’re already looking for a way to fill 45 minutes, good for you! You’re on top of it.
If you’re looking for a way to create MORE free time, check out Priority Matrix – the app that helps you focus on what matters most. Start your free trial by entering your email below! What have you got to lose?
Learn about the Eisenhower Method in Priority Matrix:
Learn more about the Eisenhower method here to start enjoying the extra time it can save you!