One of the ways in which Priority Matrix shines is via the integrations with Office 365. Read along to learn how using Priority Matrix and Office 365 together can drastically simplify your work life.

Priority Matrix for Outlook 365

Use our Priority Matrix for Outlook 365 add-in to manage your top priority emails like you have never done before.  No longer leave them unread or flagged to prioritize your emails.  Let Priority Matrix, the only fully featured project management solution for Outlook, do the managing for you.

Priority Matrix for Microsoft Teams

Get our award-winning Priority Matrix for Microsoft Teams add-in.  This will make it easy to update your Priority Matrix and access all of your data without having to leave Microsoft Teams. Insert task mentions in your conversations, empower your one-on-one meetings with rich contextual information, and much more.

Use our Outlook 365 and Microsoft Teams together…

Last but not least, please take a minute to see how powerful it will be to use Outlook365 and Microsoft Teams integrations together.  Do yourself a favor, and watch this last video to put all the pieces together!


Please note, all of these integrations are available on your mobile device after you have them added on your desktop app.