There are many occasions when it might be necessary to delegate a co-worker a specific task without wanting to show them the rest of the tasks within the project.  This is possible to do, and I will show you how with the following steps.

Using a Mac:

  1. Select the avatar next to the task
  2. Chose the “Delegate to user by email” option
  3. They will receive this task in their inbox and will not see the rest of the project

delegate to user by email

Using Windows:

  1. Select the avatar next to the task
  2. Chose the “Other Collaborators” option
  3. From there you will see email addresses
  4. They will receive this task in their inbox and will not see the rest of the project

other collaborators

Note: While using windows, if you would like to add a collaborator in order to delegate them a task through email:

  1. Go to Reports
  2. Select Manager
  3. Click the hyperlink that says “invite other users to be your Priority Matrix collaborators”
  4. There you can add emails in order to delegate tasks through