Trying to figure out how to create your items to always appear at the top of your iPad, is one sticky operation.  It isn’t obvious since the way to turn the default off, is under the iPad settings.  Don’t worry =)  I will show you step by step on how to create your items to always appear at the top of each quadrant within a project.

Create My Items To Always Appear At The Top Of A Quadrant On iPad

1.) First, go to your iPad Setting application here.

Ipad screenshot with Settings app highlighted

2.) Once you have made it into the iPad Settings, Scroll down the left hand side until you see our application, Priority Matrix.

Ipad screenchot of settings app

3.) Once you reach our Priority Matrix application.  You will see a switch on the right side to “Add item to bottom”.  This will be defaulted to on, or GREEN. Here you will be able to “Create My Items To Always Appear At The Top Of A Quadrant On iPad”.

Ipad settings select Priority Matrix and add item to bottom

4.) After you switch it off, the icon switch will be GRAY.  Now you can re-open your Priority Matrix application.  Your new items should now default to the top =)

Settings on ipad click add item to bottom to turn on and off


Boom! Now you know how to Create My Items To Always Appear At The Top Of A Quadrant On iPad. Yay!